
Rutland Boughton

The Immortal Hour

All Saints Church, Tooting, London,
11., 13. & 14. Juni 1983
Verlag: Hyperion

The Immortal Hour - Ein musikalisches Drama 1914
Libretto nach dem Stücken und Gedichten von Fiona McIeod (William Sharp)
1. Akt
1. Szene
A wood, dark and mysterious. In the background the faint glimmer of a lake
Dalua (slowly coming out of the shadow)
Voices in the wood
Dalua: Ye know not who I am
Dalue: I have com hither, led by dreams and visions
A voice (unexpectedly near)
Dalua: I am old
A voice: Brother and kin to all the twilit gods
The sound of mocking laughter is heard from the wood
Dalua: Laugh not, ye outcasts of the invisible world
Etain wanders into view, looking lost and bewildered
Dalua (stepping forward with a courtly bow, faintly touched with mockery)
Dalua (touching her lightly with the shadow of his hand)
Etain: I have forgotten all
A king of men
Dalua: Led here by dreams
Etain: I will go back
Eochaidh: Sir, I am glad
Dalua: I have come
Look, o King!
Eochaidh: There is no backward way for such as I
Eochaidh: I have heard you calling
2. Szene
Manus: I've seen that man before who came tonight
Manus: Yes, woman, yes, I know: for silence. Hush!
Etain: But sometimes... sometimes... Tell me: have you heard
Eochaidh: Good folk, I give you greeting
Manus: Good sir, you are most welcome.
Eochaidh: At last I know
Etain: And your name, fair lord?
Eochaidh: Truyl, I now know full well
Etain: I, too, am lifted with the breath
Eochaidh. Who laughed?
Etain: None laughed.
Unseen voices: How beautiful they are

2. Akt
Druids: By the voice in the corries
Maidens: The bells of youth are ringing
Warriors: But this was in the old, old, far-off days
Bards, Maidens and Warriors: Hail, Eochaidh, High King of Eire, hail!
Bards, Warriors and others: Green fire of Joy, green fire of life
Eochaidh: Etain, speak, my Queen
Eochaidh: No, no my Queen
Etain: I, too, have heard
Warriors and others: The Queen!
Midir: Hail, Eochaidh, King of Eire!
Midir: I am a king's first son
Druids: Dagda, Lord of thunder and silence
Eochaidh: Fair lord, my thanks I give
Midir: Have not great poets sung
Midir: In the days of the great fires when the hills were aflame
Eochaidh: Hear us, Oengus, beautiful, terrible, Sun-Lord and Death-Lord!
Midir: O king, it is a little thing
Old Bard: I have seen all things pass and all things go
Eochaidh: Welcome, my queen
Eochaidh: This nameless lord
Midir: How beautiful they are
Etain: I have heard... I have dreamed that song
Midir: I am a song
Etain: I am a small green leaf in a great wood
Eochaidh: O do not leave me, Star of my desire!
Midir: Hasten, lost love, found love!
Voices: In the land of youth
Voices: They play with lances
Dalua, der Herr des Schattens (Bass): Roderick Kennedy
A Spirit Voice (Kontraalt): Patricia Taylor
Etain, eine Prinzessin aus dem Lande Ever-Young (Sopran): Anne Dawson
Eochaidh, der große König von Eiré (Bariton): David Wilson-Johnson
A Spirit Voice (Sopran): Valery Hill
Manus, a peasant (Bass-Bariton): Roger Bryson
Maive, seine Frau (Kontraalt): Patricia Taylor
Ein alter Barde (Bass-Bariton): Roger Bryson
Midir, ein Prinz aus dem Land Ever-Young (Tenor): Maldwyn Davies
Chor (Druiden, Barden, Krieger, Jungfrauen, Elementargeister): Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
Orchester: English Chamber Orchestra
Dirigent: Alan Melville
