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Fine Motor Skills


In this section we want to introduce only some of the toys which seemed to be especially successful in helping Elias' fine motor skills. So you will find here an incomplete collection of ideas with the indication of the approximated age in which Elias liked to play in this way. We are always thankful for further hints!

As hint for literature I also want to recommend an American book that introduces many ideas that are really close to practice. It addresses many fields of fine motor skills and it also introduces ideas for developing the basic sensorial skills:


Maryanne Bruni, Fine Motor Skills in Children with Down Syndrom, A Guide für Parents and Professionals, Woodbine House 1998   Ein Klick auf das Buch bringt sie direkt auf die Amazon-Seite dieses Buches mitsamt einer ausführlichen Inhaltsangabe, seinem Preis sowie einer Bestellmöglichkeit   As we appreciate the service of Amazon very much we have made a link to the corresponding page that you canview and order the book there. There also is a detailed summary.



Bean pot (1 to 2 years)


This bean pot has been one of Elias' favorite toys for months.Itīs very useful for sensory integration , for the development of pincer grisp but also for learning such activities as pouring and supping.Itīs nothing but a big lockable plastic case with many dried red kidney beans in it - sometimes (depends on your joy to collect) completed by chestnuts, fir cones or what else can be found. In his second year, there hasnīt been a day when Elias didnīt want to play at least a bit with it.Only the tidying up sometimes is a bit troublesome...

Open the lock- the hidden chocolate  

Well, for strict adversaries of sweets: would it also work with pieces of fruit? Within 2 weeks, Elias learned to open locks (by turning). To achieve that we hid little pieces of chocolate in a small glas bottle with such a lock and demonstrated how to open and pour out .He has learned to open a box of matches in the same way.Michael always uses to keep a small bottle in his jacket.And when it takes too long at the bus stop the bottle is opened and closed.... .Just as that, Elias is always allowed to screw up the locks of empty bottle before he throws them into the glas container.



Pouring of liquids (1 1/2 to2 1/2 years)

One of the nicest activities is bathing with daddy.And there always is a small plastic bottle (a trial copy of shampoo from some hotel).Ifīs put under water it 'bubbles' so nicely. Then the water can easily be filled in a Tupper pot.Elias can be occupied by that for about 5 to 10 minutes.Even the bathing ducks can't distract him.We now also have a measuring cup which takes the place of the bottle and which ,filled with objects, is poured into the bathtub or into the cup.


Cork carton (11/2 to 2 years)

Our corks from bottles of wine havenīt wandered to the collecting place for a long time but have stayed at our house.Then we took a paperboard carton in middle size and made round holes in different sizes: tightly fitting for a cork , bigger ones but also smaller ones.Elias likes this toy better than a usual Shapesorter.




Sensory carton

Another paperboard carton has gotten a hole that just is as big as Elias' hand. Then we put in different things to feel. Meanwhile he fills the carton by himself and we always look inside when something is missing.....


Swinging (0 to 2 1/2 years)

As a tiny tot Elias got a Makramee basket which was attached on a hook from the ceiling. But later he still liked to rock in all possible positions.We believe that it was good for his balance and as well for his general muscle tone.Now we have a normal swing which is used every day, too, another favorite toy for him!There we play games with stuffed animals that also swing .



Wooden puzzles with small caughts really is no secret hint to train the pincer grisp. Itīs helpful to pay attention to the size of the first gripes cause they have to be bigger than they are on most of the usual puzzles so it's easier for the child to practice.


Painting Blocks

We have tried out a while before we chose the best form of all the offered wax pencils.Up to now he clearly manages painting best with oblong wax painting blocks which he is able to hold properly, not like these crayons that look like mice offered by some companies.



Cylinder Table

Another very popular toy from Elias is his cylinder table which can be used all round.That is a thick square wooden plate with round holes for wooden cylinders which have different colors and lengths.Elias really likes to take them in and out but he also turns the plate around for having a smooth wooden plate to build towers with the cylinders. He plays with it very often.



Ice cube container

Daniel learned the pincer grisp with this method: Dagmar put small objects into the compartments of the ice cube container - sweets, too?They could only be removed using the pincer grisp... .

from Dagmar with Daniel


For more hints please send an e-mail!


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